On the Road – U.S. 80 near El Paso, Texas

El Paso, TX, June 14, 1938

Dorothea Lange

Film negative

Gift of Paul S. Taylor

2.25 in x 2.25 in


© The Dorothea Lange Collection, the Oakland Museum of California.

She: “Do you suppose I'd be out on the highway cooking my steak if I had it good at home?” He: “The country's in an uproar now. It's in bad shape, the people's all leaving the farm. You can't get anything for your work and everything you buy costs high.” — Quoted in Dorothea Lange Field Notes
Alternate Title and/or Date
During her lifetime Lange’s photographs appeared in a variety of exhibitions and publications, sometimes years after they were taken. This often resulted in multiple titles for the same image.
Plantation Under Texas Travelers