Newspaper clipping, “Florence Thompson, ‘Migrant Mother,’ Dies”
San Francisco, CA, September 17, 1983
Newsprint, newspaper clipping
Museum Purchase
Additional Information
San Francisco Chronicle, Sat. September 17, 1983
photo caption: In 1978 Florence Thompson held copies of the famous portrait of her by Dorothea Lange, documenting plight of farm workers
'Migrant Mother'
San Francisco Chronicle, Sat. September 17, 1983
photo caption: In 1978 Florence Thompson held copies of the famous portrait of her by Dorothea Lange, documenting plight of farm workers
'Migrant Mother' Florence Thompson, dateline: Scotts Valley, Santa Cruz County
Florence Thompson, a migrant farmworker whose weary face captured in a classic 1936 photograph became a symbol of the Great Depression, died yesterday at the age of 79. / Mrs. Thompson, who died at her son's home after a long illness, was seated in front of a tent in a labor camp near San Luis Obispo when photographer Dorothea Lange, working for the federal Farm Security Administration, took the picture that for millions would represent the hopelessness and dispair of the Depression era. / The picture, entitled "Migrant Mother, Nipomo, California," showed Mrs. Thompson with one ragged child clinging to her waist and two others burying their heads on her shoulder. / Lange was in the camp only 10 minutes and did not learn the name of the woman seated at the tent. Mrs. Thompson was not identified as the subject until years later. / Mrs. Thompson is survived by nine children, 38 grandchildren, 72 great-grandchildren and five great-great grandchildren."