Plantation Overseer and his Field Hands, Mississippi Delta

Mississippi Delta, 1936

Dorothea Lange

Film negative

Gift of Paul S. Taylor

5 in x 4 in


© The Dorothea Lange Collection, the Oakland Museum of California.

Additional Information
As a government employee, Lange lost control over how other people used her photographs. In his book, Land of the Free, writer Archibald MacLeish cropped the Black sharecroppers out of this image. By doi ...Read More
As a government employee, Lange lost control over how other people used her photographs. In his book, Land of the Free, writer Archibald MacLeish cropped the Black sharecroppers out of this image. By doing so, he changed Lange’s intended subject. Instead of a study of race and power, we see an image of the overseer as a noble, self-reliant American farmer.